Saturday 28 July 2012

Does this strike a chord?

What does she do? call the surgery in the morning but told you will need to be called back that afternoon. Should she Call 111, 999 or rush to the local A&E, walk-in center, primary care center, ask a chemist or a friendly nurse living next door?

When your child or you are ill, you often think of doctors and rush to the local hospital or demand an emergency appointment in the surgery. The culture of dependency on doctors has undermined the confidence of patients and escalated demand that no country in the world can afford to provide comprehensive healthcare service.

Forty percent of adults are said to access Internet for information about health and illness. There are few advantages but more disadvantage because the tendency of an ill patient is to read small prints and get more anxious.

Common diseases are common and rare diseases rarely happen, as doctors we often manage minor illness with uncertainty and using common sense.

In the past decade, presenting symptoms like runny nose, snuffles, or rhinitis have been diagnosed as common cold, cough as "chest infection" and abused antibiotics. Patients with history of chronic cough were labeled as wheezy bronchitis or bronchitis, viral infections or flu. Similarly, a sore throat was labeled "tonsillitis", ear pain as "ear infection" and very high fever as serious infection.

79% of doctors in USA are said to perform tests to boost their income and are refusing to treat uninsured patients. More than seventy percent of the cost to provide healthcare service is spent on doctors and investigations and so is now unsustainable.

NHS in UK introduced Nurse led walk-in-centers, Out of Hours Service, NHS Direct, Primary care centers and Emergency minor surgical units to reduce demand in hospitals but failed to reduce waiting time. Hundreds of doctors are refusing to offer out of hours work and patients have to wait for three weeks to consult a doctor


Our Apps are simple and easy to use and developed to help you reduce access to healthcare professionals when the symptoms are common. We also feel it is essential to encourages you to consult doctors when the symptoms are serious because self diagnosis and false reassurence results in serious complictions.

Educating you to consult doctors only when necessary will help reduce wasted consultation, cost of healthcare, antibiotic prescriptions to help us fight the threat of resistant bacteria spreading in our community.

Fighting Infections Saving Lives

We worked as doctors for almost thirty years and feel sad to see how our profession we passionatly contributed has been systematically distroyed. We have produced few Apps based on knowledge, experience and evidence based medicine to help you get the information you need.

To fight the threat of infections that we cannot cures we must change the culture of dependence on healthcare professionals.

We are striving to impliment changes in healthcare and bring back the "Lost Human Face of Medicine".


"We are thinking ahead and working towards changing theoretical idealism into practical reality".

Please register and pass on the apps to all your friends and family and help us stop this over zealous urge to commercialize a service we promised to offer to humanity.

Medical Advice You Access

Doctor: When you are suffering from a symptom, the first thing that goes through your mind is to rush to consult a doctor. Common illness are common but there is no method to help you differentiate the symptoms. This is a simple tool to help you differentiate and seek help from doctors only when necessary.
Visiting healthcare centres and doctors increase the chances of spreading infections and abusing antibiotics. Learning more about your symptoms will help you share responsibility and avoid abusing antibiotics.
The method we developed will reduce access by 30% and save 60% of your annual cost.
Why not try and see, its FREE and you can download an APP that you can use.
People are seeking help from non-medically trained professionals to save cost. This is not in your interest as the delay in diagnosis and wrong treatment result in complications. Avoid getting false reassurance and seek help when necessary.